Our scheme of work offers a coherently planned sequence of lessons to help teachers ensure they have progressively covered the requirements of the PE National Curriculum. The scheme of work ensures that children have a varied and well mapped out PE curriculum. It provides the opportunity for progression across the full breadth of the PE National Curriculum for KS1 and KS2 for both indoor and outdoor PE. This progression is clearly identified on progression maps and each unit has been carefully matched to these. In KS1, the focus of the PE curriculum is on the development of the fundamental skills that will be built upon in KS2 when they are applied in specific sports. At St Aidan’s, it is our intention to develop a lifelong love of physical activity, sport and PE in all young people. We aim to help ensure a positive and healthy physical and mental outlook in the future and help young people to develop essential skills like leadership and teamwork. Within each lesson, we strive to give every child the opportunity to develop skills in PE, consider the impact on their health and fitness, compete/perform and evaluate. These elements are always clearly identified both in the schemes used for our lesson plans and on progression maps. It is also the intention of St Aidan’s to ensure that every child has access to at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day through structured play and a Daily Mile.
Teachers have access to wide range of detailed lesson plans from a variety of schemes and resources, these ensure that all are equipped with the secure subject knowledge required to deliver modern, high-quality teaching and learning opportunities for all areas of the PE National Curriculum. Our scheme is intended to be flexible allowing for poor weather, use of qualified coaches, changes to schedules and preparation for Level 2 competition. Our overarching aim is for teachers to have the knowledge and skills they need to feel confident in teaching all areas of PE, regardless of their main areas of expertise. Lessons are planned alongside subject-specific progression maps and subject specific knowledge organisers (found in the list of files below) to ensure that children are given the opportunity to practise existing skills and also build on these to develop new or more advanced skills. There is a structure to the lesson sequence whereby prior learning is always considered and opportunities for revision and practise are built into lessons. However, this is not to say that this structure should be followed rigidly: it allows for this revision to become part of good practice and ultimately helps build depth to the children’s knowledge, skills and understanding in PE. All lessons are carefully differentiated using STEP (Space, Time, Equipment and People) which helps to ensure that learning is as tailored and inclusive as possible.
Knowledge Organisers (listed below and available to view and download) show the content of what they will be taught and practiced over the unit of work, including key vocabulary to ensure physical literacy - they contains key 'I can...' statements that we intend the children to be able to do. These form our assessment in the subject, which is saved and tracked in our Insight Tracking system.
Each objective is assessed formativelyand each child is rated for each objective covered on a 1-3 system. 1 - some evidence, but not yet secure; 2 - objective is secured; 3 - working at greater depth.
Each child is then given a score from 0 - 6 for the subject at the end of each term throughout the year. 0 - below age related expectations; 1 - emerging, 2 developing (working towards the age related expectation); 3 - progressing, 4 - secure (working at the age related expectation); 5 - exceeding, 6 exceeding with greater depth (working beyond the age related expectation). The aim is for every child to achieve 3 or 4 in every subject at the end of the year.
An online library of lesson evidence is kept within the school's OneDrive system.
Competition is important to us and children have access to three key levels:
Level 0 - A series of personal best challenges are also used across each year group based on speed, agility and co-ordination; pupils attempts are recorded and record sheet are produced and maintained.
Level 1 - an end of unit completion or festival is encouraged
Level 2 - children have access to inter-school competition framework organised by the St Helens School Games team.
Level 3 - county festivals are part of our School Games subscription offer (if qualified)
Sports Leadership is another strand that the children have access to. A set of challenges and tasks are monitored by teachers through a tick sheet on display in the classroom and children can earn Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards.
Children will access swimming lessons in Year 5 and Year 6 (and in Year 4 from the 23-24 academic year) as to maximise the potential of reaching NC requirements by end of KS2.
The high quality and consistent approach to PE teaching should significantly improve attainment in knowledge and skills in PE. The impact of using the full range of resources withinour scheme will increase the profile of sport, PE and physical activity across the school. With technical PE vocabulary spoken and used by all learners, the learning environment will be more consistent across both key stages and ultimate lead to all pupils meeting the end of key stage expectations outlined in the national curriculum for PE and make children competetnt in the Three Pillars of PE: Motor competence, Rules strategies and tactics and Healthy Participation.