Multi Agency Partners for Safeguarding
Contact Phone Numbers |
St Aidan’s CE Primary School |
01744 678042 |
Contact Centre / First Response
01744 456600 |
Changing Lives
0151 547 7800 |
Children’s Disability Service – The Bridge Centre ( School age children) |
01744 674109 |
Adoption Service |
01744 671202 |
Educational Psychology Service |
01744 671125 |
School Health |
01744 892868 |
Young Carers |
01744 454802 |
St Helens Carers Centre |
01744 675615 |
Continence Service |
01744 626701 |
Homestart |
0800 0686368 |
01744 614682 |
Domestic Violence Team |
0151 777 1579 |
Information can also be found on St. Helens Safeguarding Children Partnership - scp (
There are other resources available to support families. Please speak with the school office if you wish to know more and they will direct you to the right person to help you.
Information can also be found on
At any point anyone can report a concern they have about a child -
If you are concerned about Child Sexual Exploitation -
If you have concerns about radicalisation and extremism or believe your child is at risk then please contact the school and speak with Mrs Fisher, Mrs Benetatos or Mr Moore.
Illegal terrorist information, pictures or videos you’ve found on the internet can be reported here
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