Tuesday 31st March

Today's activities - if you wish to use them. There are many other activities avaliable in Daily Timetable Ideas and Home Learning/School Closure sections of the website if you wish to use those as well as or instead of these. 

Maths - Lesson 5 - Using scale factors. Click here to watch the video and access questions and answers.

Question colours - the children will explain our class system to you. Questions 1-3   Questions 4-5  Questions 6-7 

English - Download the PDF below to find a Mirror of Erised writing task actitivity based on Harry Potter. The first page of the PDF guides you through the extracts, video links and activites - the other pages are extracts, notes, guides, questions etc. to help you through the session. Do as much or as little as you wish - there is plenty to keep you busy. 

English - complete a short diary entry. Focus on feelings, emotions etc during these strange times. 

Science - look through the Libbie Hyman presentation - a scientist who looked closely at invertebrates. Below are fact file and information sheets for you to complete. Do one or do them all - completetly upto you!

You can also do Flashback 4, part of the novel study, a short comprehension and even go back and complete work from others days. It is there if you need it. #staysafe 

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