School Life

More than just exceptional teaching

Our strong academic results are achieved by inspiring teaching which makes subjects come alive. Our teachers are passionate about their subjects and about the successes of each individual. Your child will explore new subjects in imaginative ways including role play, specialist projects, trips, educational visits and use of online educational games as well as more traditional methods.

St Aidan's School follows a broad, balanced curriculum which reflects the National Curriculum at Key Stage 1 & 2. Standards are high and all our pupils are given a firm academic grounding which will support their move into Senior School. We are always looking for ways to bring lessons to life, whether it is by organising a visit from a Japanese linguist or by turning classrooms back a hundred years, dressing in costume and exploring life in Victorian or Roman times.

Throughout all subjects there is a continued emphasis on extending core communication skills, literacy skills and numeracy skills. We use first rate teaching resources such as interactive white boards and our small class sizes ensure that your child will also receive a generous amount of individual attention. We will encourage your pride and joy to develop his/her own passion for learning and creativity and to achieve more than you would have dreamt to be possible.


Peer Listening

Click on the link below to download our Peer Listening Case Study

Our Community

At St Aidan's Primary School, we attach great importance to developing strong links between the school and local, regional and national communities.

Within our curriculum, within Citizenship education, through assemblies, performing arts and special events, we involve our pupils and their parents in the local community, so that they learn how to participate in a practical way in the life and concerns of their neighbourhood and communities.

Working with parents, local residents, the business community, public services, and voluntary services teaches the children the importance of local communities.

welcome paintingSt Aidan’s C of E Primary School is a one-form entry school serving the Parish of St Aidan’s and surrounding area. We provide a Christian education and have close links with the Parish Church and the local community. At St Aidan’s we enjoy taking part in, and supporting, community activities. We welcome parents and friends of the community into school.

We pride ourselves on being a caring and happy school where the children and staff work hard together to build excellent working relations.

As a church aided school the Parish and the Church of England meet a substantial part of the actual building, running and maintenance costs. We make regular visits to St Aidan’s Parish Church and enjoy participating in services.

Our school is associated with Rainford High School to which pupils will normally transfer at 11+ although places may be available at other high schools in St. Helens.

Parents may also seek places at :-

  • Up Holland High School
    (admission being subject to the Lancashire Education Authority’s admission policy and availability of places.)
  • The Deanery Church of England High School.
    (admission being subject to the Wigan Education Authority’s Policy and availability of places.)

Mission Statement

We provide a safe and secure environment where Christian values are upheld.

We work hard to maintain high educational standards.

Children are encouraged to develop as independent learners and responsible, healthy individuals in preparation for life.

We are an active part of the community and we welcome their involvement in our school.

We are committed to working as a team with parents, governors and friends, creating a positive approach to school life.

We have high expectations for work and behaviour and provide a firm foundation for all our children to achieve their full potential.

School Aims And Objectives

The whole team works towards excellence, in every aspect of school life.

We encourage a Christian ethos throughout our school, working to achieve Christian values in our daily lives.

All children’s individual needs are catered for and we aim to give support where needed.

We encourage independent learning throughout school and actively promote Equal Opportunities and healthy lifestyles for all.

We work in partnership with parents, governors, our Church/parish and the community of Billinge and other schools.

Whole school ownership is promoted through teamwork and joint decision making involving all staff.

We aim to promote our school in an ethical manner to the area of Billinge, our parish and the wider community.


Files to Download

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