Monday 30th March

Today's activities - if you wish to use them. There are many other activities avaliable in Daily Timetable Ideas and Home Learning/School Closure sections of the website if you wish to use those as well as or instead of these. 

Maths - Lesson 4 (of 7 in the Ratio) - Calculating ratio. Click here to watch the video and access questions and answers. Whehen on the website click Week 1 before finding Lesson 4. It's important that they are done in the correct order. 

Question colours - the children will explain our class system to you. Questions 1-2   Questions 3-5  Questions 6-8

English - Download the PDF below to find grammar and punctuation actitivities based on Harry Potter. The first page of the PDF guides you through the extracts, video links and activites - the other pages are extracts, notes, guides, questions etc. to help you through the session. Do as much or as little as you wish - there is plenty to keep you busy. 

English - complete a short diary entry. Focus on feelings, emotions etc during these strange times. 

French - download and the watch the powerpoint presentation below. Click the speakers to hear the phrases and repeat them. Download and complete the activity sheet. There are three graded activities. One star is the easiest to three stars the most difficult. 

You can also revisit activites from last week if you still want to complete them.

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